Saturday, June 06, 2009

Singapore Idol Auditions

I had been to Cathay today(Saturday 6th June) to checkout the Singapore Idol auditions. And people were crazy ! People had been queuing up from previous evening itself. I can say that because I had been to Cathay on Friday night to watch "State of Play" and the already half filled queue did surprise me. Most of the contestants were college students who had come with bottles of water, umbrellas, guitars, and a group of friends to give company. They had sleeping bags, bedsheets etc to survive through the night. They didn't want to miss their spot in the queue. I was reminded of the November 2006 when Santy, Dada(Amitabho) and me camped in the Best Buy parking lot queued through the night for the Black Friday sale that was to start next morning. Only, I was chasing some deals then, and these fellows here were chasing dreams. When I went back again on Saturday afternoon, the craze hadn't subsided and the queues were still filled up, spilling beyond the marked perimeters. The authorities extended the auditions by another day to accommodate everyone.

I was tempted to join the queue and sing a song(if you know my love for singing, you already know the song), but then I will be leaving next month and would not be able to compete through the finals. So with a heavy heart, I had to let it go. May be next time I will participate in Indian Idol :p

1 comment:

Pankaj said...

I know you can easily become the 'Indian Idol'..ATB