Sunday, June 08, 2008

Goodbye Milwaukee

This blog entry was written on 23rd May 2008 at Chicago O'hare Airport while I awaited the departure of my flight.

Looking Back...
2 years 1 month 22 days...Thats the total duration of time I was in Milwaukee. That's a long time, and finally I return back home today. Am I excited ? YOu bet I am. Am I satisfied ? I don't think so.But then, its human nature:we never feel satisfied. For one, on professional front, I feel I haven't really done much over the past 2 years to 'polish' myself up. I guess, I still am pretty much at the same level where I was 2 years back. Personal life hasn't been any better. If anything, its messed up all the more.
So as I return back to India today, I seek a new beginning, something that's different, something that's real me, something that everyone expects of me, something that Sheetendu would have done in a normal world 2 years back. Well, actually 5 years back when I was every bit of the level headed 'practical' guy. I seek to find myself again.
What comes to my mind is one of my favorite quotes : Today is the first day of rest of my life. Or is it too early to say that?

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