Friday, May 09, 2008


Over the past few weeks, I have been doing a bit of cycling. Now, I would have called it a lot of cycling had I been more regular. But given the fact that on an average I have been getting on that cycle once every 2-3 days, it sounds more of an agent of killing time rather than the urge of having a healthier life.

A bit of history : I managed to grab a friend's bike after he left this place but wasn't able to manage taking the bike with him. That was an year back. And for one year, the bike stayed in my old apartment's storage tied to another bike through a number lock whose combination everyone had forgotten :) Finally when I had to vacate the apartment a month back, I got a big pair of pliers from Home Depot and released the cycles from the evil clutches. Mohan(a friend of mine) took one bike, I took the other !

A bit about the bike : Well the bike is a basic montain bike from Next called Mountain Ridge and has an all aluminium body and double suspension. It has 21 speeds and rides pretty well. It is a moderately heavy bike that becomes extremely heavy on steep slopes.

So why do I cycle ? Because I just feel like. I don't have any huge expectations(losing weight/saving money etc), but I just enjoy cycling. When I started cycling again a few weeks back, I got on a bicycle after about 5 years! And after the very first spin of wheel, I regretted having away from it for so long :) Its fun to feel the air on your face and to actually endure the pain of taking yourself from one place to another, something I have really been completely out of touch in US because I drive a car all the time here. Its nice to be able to stop anywhere and look around and think for a few minutes before you move ahead. Believe it or not, but when you cycle, a lot of vehicles moving out there look at you with respect(and sometimes with anger too 'coz you tend to slow the traffic)!

Well there are whole lot of other advantages to cycling that you can google over the net. But for me, cycling is fun, and I believe its now going to be an integral part of rest of my life.

So am I going to see you cycle too anytime soon ?

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